Nushama Blog

Suicidal ideation is a complex and distressing experience that, first and foremost, requires timely intervention, as well as compassionate understanding and access to effective care. To help those struggling, It’s critical to recognize the warning symptoms. Once identified, individuals suffering from self-harming thoughts can benefit from various treatment options, including innovative approaches like ketamine-assisted therapy […]

When seeking altered states of consciousness, psychedelics often come to mind. However, there are non-pharmacological alternatives that can lead to transformative experiences, offering relief to those suffering from symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, and other mental health conditions. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the more common ways you can naturally induce an altered state of consciousness free from psychopharmaceuticals...
In our last post in this two-part blog series, “Ketamine-Assisted Therapy: A Promising Tool, Not a Cure-all (Part I),” we explored ketamine-assisted therapy as a powerful healing resource. We also discuss the importance of understanding the potential of ketamine, and that ketamine-assisted therapy is not a cure but rather a powerful healing tool that should be combined with other integration exercises for optimal results. Read on to learn more about how to get the most out of ketamine-assisted therapy...

Ketamine-assisted therapy has emerged as a revolutionary tool in mental health treatment, offering hope for individuals battling treatment-resistant mood disorders, trauma, alcohol use disorder, substance use disorder, eating disorders, and more. People usually respond to IV ketamine therapy within one to three infusions. This fast-acting relief, combined with the significant momentum behind the psychedelic therapy […]

Trauma is a deeply impactful experience that can leave lasting imprints on our minds and bodies. It affects individuals from all walks of life, making it essential to comprehend the profound connection between trauma and our nervous system. In this blog post, we will explore how trauma affects us physically and emotionally, discover the healing […]

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects millions of people worldwide, causing distressing symptoms such as flashbacks, anxiety, and depression. While traditional treatments have shown some promise, recent advancements in mental health have introduced ketamine therapy as a potential option for alleviating PTSD symptoms. In this post, we will delve into the world of ketamine therapy and […]

"Ego dissolution” (or "ego death") is the temporarily diminished sense of self that is often experienced on psychedelics. The feeling is usually captured by statements like “I felt at one with the universe” or “I lost all sense of myself”. Ego dissolution can help users incorporate less ego and more soul into their daily lives.
Today, the field of psychedelic medicine stands on the shoulders of giants. Here are the stories of five of the most influential psychedelic legends of the century.
Set and setting will significantly affect the quality of your psychedelic experience. Whether you decide to journey independently or as part of a group is an important consideration. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you make your decision.
If you don’t know what it feels like to enter an altered state of consciousness, walking into Nushama Psychedelic Wellness Center may give you a good idea. Once you step off the elevator on the 21st floor of our midtown Manhattan flagship, your immersive journey-like experience begins.