An Act of Service Documentary: Exploring Ketamine Therapy for First-Responder PTSD

An Act of Service: First Responder Ketamine Journey

A Powerful Documentary Following One Firefighter’s Ketamine Therapy

Directed by Brandon Kapelow and produced by Voyager, “An Act of Service” explores the stigmas surrounding mental health within the conservative and masculine culture of the fire service.

Emergency workers like firefighters face an alarmingly high number of traumatic “critical incidents” throughout their careers, putting them at greater risk for mental health issues such as PTSD, substance abuse, and suicide.

While their ability to remain calm during crises is remarkable, the psychological toll of these experiences is severe.

The documentary follows the story of Rob, a firefighter in Idaho, as he undergoes ketamine-assisted psychotherapy to treat his PTSD. This innovative approach, though not yet FDA-approved, offers hope for those whose mental health needs are not met by existing therapies.

Directed by Brandon Kapelow, a visual storyteller and peer-support facilitator for suicide loss, the film aims to challenge assumptions about psychedelic therapy and raise awareness about its potential benefits for first responders and others struggling with trauma-related conditions.

As Kapelow explains, “I hope that [Rob’s] story can become part of a new paradigm for approaching mental health care and shift the public conversation toward the experiences of individuals facing mental health challenges who stand to benefit from these therapies.”

If you or a loved one are interested in exploring ketamine therapy for first-responder PTSD or other mental health conditions, Nushama offers the Hero’s discount. Learn more here.


Discover What Psychedelic Medicine Can Do for You

To transcend depression, anxiety, alcohol use disorders, and trauma-induced mood disorders, Nushama offers IV ketamine for an ego-dissolving psychedelic experience. A holistic path of mindful intention setting, ketamine journeys, and thoughtful integration in safe, healing-focused settings empower members to reset and reconnect.

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